Psalm 19:8
The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.
Psalm 33:18
Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy.
“I look upon not conquering and conquering in the same way. To measure the enemy and then advance; to calculate the chances of victory and then engage – this is to stand in awe of the opposing force. How can I make certain of conquering? I can only rise superior to all fear.”
因此,一個人無論受到什么與他自己的意愿相對立的痛苦,他一定不能將它歸結為人的意志,天使的意志,受造的靈的意志,而宁可歸結為賦予意志以力量的上帝的意志。然而,我們不能由此推論我們的意志沒有力量是因為上帝預見到我們的意; 志會做什么選擇。因為,能作預見的一定會預見到某些東西,而不會什么都預見不到。
Therefore, whatsoever a man suffers contrary to his own will, he ought not to attribute to the will of men, or of angels, or of any created spirit, but rather to His will who gives power to wills. It is not the case, therefore, that because God foreknew what would be in the power of our wills, there is for that reason nothing in the power of our wills. For he who foreknew this did not foreknow nothing.
Moreover, if He who foreknew what would be in the power of our wills did not foreknow nothing, but something, assuredly, even though He did foreknow, there is something in the power of our wills. Therefore we are by no means compelled, either, retaining the prescience of God, to take away the freedom of the will, or, retaining the freedom of the will, to deny that He is prescient of future things, which is impious. But we embrace both. We faithfully and sincerely confess both. The former, that we may believe well; the latter, that we may live well. For he lives ill who does not believe well concerning God. Wherefore, be it far from us, in order to maintain our freedom, to deny the prescience of Him by whose help we are or shall be free.
Consequently, it is not in vain that laws are enacted, and that reproaches, exhortations, praises, and vituperations are had recourse to; for these also He foreknew, and they are of great avail, even as great as He foreknew that they would be of. Prayers, also, are of avail to procure those things which He foreknew that He would grant to those who offered them; and with justice have rewards been appointed for good deeds, and punishments for sins. For a man does not therefore sin because God foreknew that he would sin. Nay, it cannot be doubted but that it is the man himself who sins when he does sin, because He, whose foreknowledge is infallible, foreknew not that fate, or fortune, or something else would sin, but that the man himself would sin, who, if he wills not, sins not. But if he shall not will to sin, even this did God foreknow.